Monday, January 1, 2018

New Resolutions for the New Year; How Shall the Skating Grow?

This New Year on the East Coast started off with a decided chill.  The forecast for the entire day was below zero, and with no skating rinks open to come inside and warm up, we just had to make the best of it and do a little hike up Mount Philo, followed by a bit of sledding with some good friends.

Tomorrow, though things start back up for real; Tuesday is figures class, where a group of adult learners work with our teacher, Martha, at the meticulous tracings for which figure skating gets its name.  This aspect of the sport was dropped out of mainstream competition in the 1980s, but a few elements are still required in the tests called Moves in the Field, and there is still a specialized form of competition that is based upon them.  Perhaps more importantly, they are incredibly useful for learning “edges” required for just about everything else one does as a figure skater.

Given that it’s January 1, and that I love to make resolutions (they are, after all, the ultimate to-do list), now seems a useful time to recap what I hope to accomplish in 2018.  Like many of my other to-do lists, much of it is pulled off my 2017 list, but hopefully, the second time is the charm.

Here then, are my three big goals for 2018:

  1. Pass my next two ice dances: Swing Dance and Fiesta Tango, and make some progress on a third, the Willow Waltz.  
  2. Perform my first-ever solo routine.  I’ll be using the song Moon Shadow by Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), and it will be a very modest little number.  But it does have three jumps  - a waltz jump, a salchow and toe loop, as well as a one-footed spin, so if I can pull it off, I’ll be thrilled.  
  3. Become competent at the three easiest elements of the Adult Silver Moves in the Field Test and snd start working on the final three hardest elements.  The easier elements are: Consecutive Outside and Inside Forward Spiral Patterms; Forward and Backward Power Pulls; and Forward and Backward Cross Strokes.  The harder ones are Forward Outside - Backward Inside three turns; Forward Inside to Backward Outside three turns; and the 8 Step Mohawk.  This last goal is super-intimidating for me, which is precisely why I’ve broken it in half mentally to start by focusing on the easier part.  We’ll see how I do.
I am sure other skills and goals will surface as the year progresses (the loop jump looms as one possibility; and the ever terrible backward figure eight), but this feels like a good set for now.  Hopefully, there will be lots more posting (with pictures and videos, which are way more interesting) as a way of keeping track in the weeks ahead.  Here’s to another year of skating.  Happy New Year, and as always, let me know if you want to join me at the rink!

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